Find Music Teachers

The On-line Community of professional Music & Speech educators in New South Wales since 1994

The original online directory of music teachers
across Sydney and regional NSW

We have a comprehensive list of prominent professional teachers including a number of teachers who provide lessons in a number of different instruments
As a result, you can learn Piano, Guitar or Sing with one of our qualified experienced teachers

Disclaimer :  In proceeding to access teacher contact details advertised on this website users agree that they rely exclusively on their own judgement and their own due diligence as to the suitability of any teacher they may engage and that they accept the terms and conditions that are published at the bottom of the homepage.

How to find a Music Teacher

Click on an instrument to view the directory and find lessons in your area

About Us

First published in 1994, the Sydney Directory of Music and Speech Teachers is an independent publication founded by leading Sydney music education consultants Warrick & Catherine Dobbie. It is designed to assist parents and students in their search for a professional music teacher.

Our Editors

In Profile

Warrick Dobbie
Australian Cellist & Music Educator

A Graduate of the Sydney Conservatorium and a Fellow of Trinity College of Music London, Warrick Dobbie is recognised internationally as a leading figure in music performance & education.
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Catherine Dobbie
Australian Violinist & Music Educator

Catherine Dobbie is one of Australia’s leading violin teachers. She is regarded as a leading figure in music education in Sydney and has twice been recognised by the Australian Music Examinations Board with the award of the A.M.E.B. Private Music Teacher Shield.
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Teacher Registration

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or Speech teacher seeking more students ?