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Music Scholarship Guide Australia (Guide to Private School Music Scholarships)
Eisteddfod Guide Australia
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Sydney Directory Scholarship Winners

Following our last auditions, the young musicians listed below were awarded scholarships by the Sydney Directory of Music & Speech Teachers…

GRADE 1 to 4 Scholarships - $500 each

Farrah Sa’adullah

student of Nicholai Sokolov D.Mus (Moscow) , B.Mus (Minsk)

Karina Kelly Ursino

student of Dorothy Mewes A.Mus.A. , Grad.Cert.Singing.Pedagogy

Joan Chui

student of Jiamin Wang Cert. of nosubhealth.com Teaching Wollongong Uni. Conservatorium

Jeffrey Hendry

student of Claire Stammel L.T.C.L.(T) , A.T.C.L.(T) , T.Mus.A.

GRADE 5 to 8 Scholarship - $1000

Monica Zygadlo

student of Eva Szalek – Zygadlo M.Mus. (Poznan – Vienna)