Application for Registration - Invoice
Please note:
Only teachers who hold a Degree, Diploma or Certificate in Music or Speech issued by a University or Tertiary Institution, are eligible to register for listing with the Australian Directory of Music & Speech Teachers – minimum qualification level is Associate Diploma ( i.e. A.T.C.L. , A.Mus.A. , A.D.M.T. etc.) in each instrument you wish to list with the Directory.
For registration, please return the form below by post along with photocopies of the qualifications for each instrument that you wish to have listed. Please note: copies must be certified by a Justice of the Peace.
I the applicant certify that the above information is true and correct and acknowledge the following :
- that I authorise the Australian Directory of Music & Speech Teachers to seek information from Tertiary Institutions / Conservatoriums / Examination Boards for the purpose of verifying my professional qualifications should this be deemed necessary.
- that I shall have no right of action against the Australian Directory of Music & Speech Teachers, its employees, officers and agents in any event arising from this application.
- that I indemnify the Australian Directory of Music & Speech Teachers, its employees, officers and agents against all claims for any direct or indirect loss or damage (howsoever caused) which may be suffered by any person subsequent to or as a result of the publication of my professional details on the web site or in any printed material produced by the Australian Directory of Music & Speech Teachers.
Registration for 2025 – Annual Fee : $185.95
PAYMENT DETAILS : I enclose a cheque for $185.95 payable to the Music Teachers Association of NSW or Direct Deposit to Music Teachers Assoc of NSW
BSB: 032 167
Account No. : 363926
Mail :
Music Teachers Association of NSW
Level 1, 45 Chippen Street, Chippendale NSW 2008